What Is Melatonin And What Is Its Recommended Dosage For Each Age Group?

Ellie Schneider
4 min readMay 16, 2022
Melatonin And What Is Its Recommended Dosage For Each Age Group
Image Source: www.freepik.com

Dementia is an array of symptoms that affects memory, social abilities and thinking severely. These symptoms severely interfere with our daily life. It is not a specific disease. A number of diseases can cause dementia. It generally includes memory loss. Memory loss can cause different problems. If a person is having a memory loss, it does not mean he is suffering from dementia. Although, memory loss is an early sign of this condition. Progressive dementia can cause Alzheimer’s disease in adults. But there are other reasons that cause dementia. Some of the dementia symptoms are reversible.

Does melatonin cause dementia?

Melatonin is a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland. It helps in regulating sleep-wake cycles that are called circadian rhythms. As we grow old, our body stops making melatonin. The production of melatonin is very less in those suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s. Melatonin supplements are safe and used to treat insomnia in persons. They not only improve sleep but also provide a long term shield against Alzheimer’s. Although, experts do not recommend melatonin for elder people with dementia. In many types of research, it has been found that melatonin supplements worsen the condition of caregiver ratings of patient mood.

How much melatonin is safe for kids?

The melatonin dosage for kids should be prescribed by health professionals. In general, kids do not need a high dosage. Sometimes, it is as low as 0.5mg. It is better to talk to your child’s doctor about their needs. He will recommend after seeing the health problem of the patient. The pediatrician will help you decide what amount and what time he should give melatonin to your child. Mostly, it is recommended to give 90 minutes before bedtime. But only you and your pediatrician can decide what is best for your kid. Frunutta dissolvable vitamins also offer this supplement made from natural products. Frunutta is a trustworthy brand that offers a dissolvable supplement that is easy for kids to intake.

The dosage depends on the age and health of the patient. For instance,

1 mg for infants, 2.5 to 3 mg for older children and 5 mg for adults. There are no clear dosage guidelines for children. Thus it is better to speak to your pediatrician.

Can you give melatonin to infants?

There is no good research that supports that it is safe to use melatonin to treat sleep problems in infants. Infants do not produce much melatonin. Its production increases with age in infants. Most infants have circadian rhythms 6–18 weeks after birth. It is a pattern of behavioural change. This change creates a daily cycle. It has been seen that 4 to 12-month infant requires 12–16 hours of sleep in a day. Not a single research says that it is safe to use melatonin in healthy babies. It is recommended to speak with your pediatrician if your baby is not getting enough sleep. Make sure you do not give this supplement unless your doctor does not recommend it.

Is it harmful to take melatonin every night?

It is safe to take melatonin supplements every night, but only for the short term. This is because less information is available about its long-term safety. Administering melatonin in children also needs caution. Kindly contact your healthcare provider or pediatrician for more advice. The recommended dose of melatonin increases blood melatonin levels in the body. It gets uplifted up to 20 times more than normal. It has some side effects like Excessive sleepiness, Headache, Dizziness, Fatigue, Irritability, Stomach discomfort and Anxiety.

You can use this supplement for a shorter period. You can consult a healthcare professional to continue for the long term. If you are getting addicted to the melatonin supplement or suffering from its side effects, you can consult your doctor for the same. Frunutta offers Melatonin 5 mg dosage for patients who are unable to sleep at night.

How many grams of melatonin should I take?

You should begin with a low recommended dosage of melatonin according to your age. After that, you can increase your dosage until the time you think it is not helping you with the sleep or causing any side effects. Starting dose for adults is 0.5mg to 5mg of melatonin. In older people, it is better to start with a low dosage. You can start with 0.1mg. It is a safe and effective option. Children should avoid it unless it is recommended by a pediatrician. Melatonin 10 mg is the high dose to take. Make sure you consult with a doctor before taking it.

It is not suitable for everyone. Avoid taking this if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or suffering from autoimmune disease, depression, seizure disorder etc. If you have high blood pressure or have diabetes, tell your doctor before taking it.


These supplements induce sleep. There is no current standard dosage recommended by the physician. Only a healthcare professional can decide the right amount of dosage after seeing your health. He will tell you how much amount is right for you. It is a safe option for short term use. Avoid taking this supplement for long term effects. If it is not helping to resolve the issues, talk to your doctor and stop taking it.

